LUNEDI 18/04 ore 14:30
L’Opificio è lieto di presentare un incredibile appuntamento con KANGA VALLS.
Dopo un tour italiano, l’ultima fermata è qui in Opificio. Una classe di hip hop contaminato, un linguaggio nuovo,diverso e accattivante.
Kanga Valls nasce come ballerino hip hop, ma nel suo lungo girovagare incontra nuovi stili e si fonde con le nuove espressioni della danza contemporanea, generando un movimento personale e sperimentale.
Kanga Valls is known as the predecessor of a new style of hip hop, in our country as well as abroad.
Winner of several national and international awards, such as the awards of European Championship which took
place in Lido Di Gesolo, the championships celebrated in Spain in 2002, 2004 and 2005 and the
Nike Rockstar Workout championship, being sponsored by this brand, the Catalan choreographer and dancer has
worked together with prestigious companies such as “Chambao”, “S Club 7” and “El Tricicle”.
Kanga fuses funk and north American old school together with techniques and mentality of Asiatic creation,
combined with a flow that goes beyond the boarders of the Bronx.
The success of the choreographer is due to the fact that he creates new ways of expression, instead of remaining
limited in prefabricated models of dancing.
Its seems as his movements are guiding the music, hitting the drums, sliding from the trumpet, or walking on the
keyboard of a meticulously selected music, not conventional at all like electrofunk, techno, trip hop, hip hop
Kanga Valls, travels regulary all around the world ( Russia, France, USA, graet Britain, Germany, Japan…) looking
for new ingredients that will help to elaborate his unmistakable style.
The stage is the tool of communication that guides him in his aim to find the maximum artistic expression, corporal
language, musical fusion…
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